Kim Osborn Artistry
Image of Blue Bottles

Blue Bottles

$55.00 - $90.00

MAN O’ WAR - The Bluebottle

I remember when my son was 2 and we were swimming in pristine waters in New Caledonia. He came up screaming and clutching his face. I swooped him up out of the water and ran a good kilometre down the beach to the nearest tower that held vinegar. I soaked his little face with the stuff, until he stopped screaming and just sobbed in my chest.

After he woke from a good sleep on the sand, I saw him staring a bluebottle down on the ocean shoreline. He said, “mummy, he’s naughty. But he really is cool looking”.

These nasty stingers can be cruel. But they’re oh so pretty!

| Watercolour |
| Limited Print Series of /50 |

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